

Infographic: The 7 Elements of Specialty
Pharmacy Patient Data Excellence

Data quality is the key ingredient in any specialty pharmacy (SP) data & analytics strategy. 

Poor quality SP data is preventing brands from taking actions that help patients start on therapy faster and stay on therapy longer. What are the key elements your team must execute on to improve data quality and achieve true patient access visibility?

Working with leading specialty brands to operationalize SP data across therapeutic categories, we’ve identified 7 Key Elements of Specialty Pharmacy Patient Data Excellence

Patient status data must be:

  • De-Identifie
  • Integrated

Download the Infographic below to See the Full List

We’re offering up a Patient Access Visibility Infographic that summarizes these 7 key elements to share our successful practices. These considerations for SP data are a jumping off point to build a forward-thinking SP data strategy. 

Rg Infographic
adapt analytics bars bell books magnify chart connections marker meds pills search computer paper webcast article blog ebook distribute hand payer heart market Asset 69 Asset 65 Asset 64 Asset 68 Asset 67 Asset 66 Asset 63 decrease expand builder close dart data demand increase index lock locked meter open order pharma pill plot prescription revenue scorecard service shake unlocked Asset 61 Asset 60 Asset 71 icon-distribution-distribution-contract-management icon-distribution-distribution-data-refinery icon-distribution-inventory-analytics icon-distribution-retail-analytics icon-patient-patient-data-refinery icon-patient-patient-services-analytics icon-patient-specialty-pharmacy-analytics icon-payer-340b-analytics icon-payer-analytics icon-payer-g2n icon-payer-government-pricing icon-payer-rebate-management Asset 1 hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand paper article