Integrichain Blog


September 23, 2024

Medicaid Drug Rebate Program

MDRP 2024

IntegriChain is proud to be a sponsor of this year’s Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (MDRP) event, providing one session of thought leadership to this year’s agenda. 

Partner, Advisory Services

Jeff Baab
Partner, Advisory Services

Session: IRA Negotiation Best Practices and Final Recommendations 

Date | Time: Tuesday, September 24 | 10:55AM – 11:35 AM

Description: In this session Jeff Baab, Vice President of Advisory Services and Kristin Hicks, Partner at Arnold and Porter, will cover topics including: 

  • What do we hypothesize the final MFPs signal about CMS discount justification?
  • What to prepare and best practices on process — Documentation and data
  • Insights on process for chosen drugs and timeline, portal challenges

  • What types of drugs are higher risk for selection based on parameters

For more on the topics in this presentation, please read our consulting blog post on the IRA.

Register here.


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