

Real World GTN Transformation using Data and Analytics

May 13, 2021 | OnDemand

Listen OnDemand to Jen Sharpe, Executive Director, Gross-to-Net Solutions of IntegriChain, Kary Callahan, Director, Commercial Finance of Paratek, and Tina Knell, Assistant Director, Revenue of BridgeBio discuss real world GTN transformation using data and analytics. This session was presented at InformaConnect’s BioPharma CFO Digital Week.

During this session, they discussed:

  • Visualizing successful GTN management on a unified data platform
  • Improving GTN accruals and forecasting with greater visibility into market access data and assumptions
  • Driving business with data digitalization
  • Visualization with key metrics and trend analyses
  • Gaining confidence in GTN forecasts with near real-time access to data to increase efficiency and company-wide collaboration

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