Pharma Inventory Analytics

Improve revenue predictability with 100% pipeline inventory visibility

One of the pharmaceutical industry’s persistent challenges is accurately estimating the inventory pipeline used within several gross-to-net lines. There is often no data source that can count the remaining products in pharmacy inventories at a month, quarter, or year-end. ICyte Inventory Analytics provides the industry’s only comprehensive data-driven methodology based on unprojected data to value inventory in the downstream channel.

Benefits of Inventory Data Management:

Inventory Analytics on the ICyte platform for pharmaceutical inventory management

Tighten Returns Reserves: Tie returns reserves to an accurate and up-to-date measurement of total retail inventory.

Explain Channel Impacts on Quarterly Results: Quantify how retail channel inventories impacted corporate sales results in the preceding quarter, improving investor clarity on the true direction of demand.

Improve Order Forecast Accuracy: Incorporate retail inventories into order forecast models; improving the net accuracy of weekly order management and quarter/year-end sales forecasting

Explain Disconnect Between Rxs and Factory Sales: Clarify how projection errors in syndicated data are causing disconnects between reported Rx demand and factory sales; develop factors to adjust Rx demand and improve demand forecast accuracy.

Optimize Demand Planning: Provide supply chain partners with more accurate forecasts by SKU, improving overall product availability and allowing tighter pharmaceutical inventory management.

Widely accepted by the audit community and leading finance teams

Inventory Analytics empowers pharmaceutical teams to align around a shared and accurate view of total pipeline inventory. Our partnership with PurpleLab enhances our ability to deliver true demand and inventory visibility, achieve more accurate gross-to-net forecasting and accruals, and most importantly, manage data-driven commercialization for specialty products to pharma commercial and financial teams.  

Based on actual sell-in, returns, and point-of-sale data, Inventory Analytics gives a weekly report of pharmaceutical retail inventories on hand at an individual SKU level. With inventory data management, you’ll capture 100% of the inventory located in chain distribution centers, chain stores, independent stores, and third-party morgues that house products not yet returned to the manufacturer or wholesaler. 

Flow chart of Icyte Inputs: ExFactory, 867, 852, 180, and Claims to IAa Outputs: Net Sell-In, Demand, and Ending Inventory

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Case Study

Solving the Inventory Visibility and Channel Data Challenge​

This case study focuses on a pharmaceutical manufacturer who was struggling with both inconsistent channel data as well as the lack of visibility into downstream inventory.

Read the Case Study


Refined Channel Data: Inventory Analytics

It’s no secret that life sciences supply chains contain massive amounts of data. This can be advantageous for manufacturers who want to establish an analytical edge and gain insight into their inventory management pipeline. The volume of data can also present its own set of challenges, due to increasing supply chain complexity and the difficulties for manufacturers to estimate downstream inventory levels on their own.​

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