

Manage Trade Partners Proactively

Payments of channel service fees and incentives are becoming more commonly contracted, strategically complex, and intricate from a data and execution perspective. Unavoidably, most organizations are managing payments manually or are using a patchwork of uncontrolled data extracts and spreadsheets. As channel contracts and payments become more material, companies are exposed to heightened compliance and financial risks, including restatement and audit.

integrichain scorecard

Automating Performance Metrics Puts You in the Driver’s Seat

IntegriChain Scorecard is the industry’s first fully automated and configurable end-to-end platform for distribution agreement management, improving the profitability, and quality of national account relationships. With IntegriChain, you can automate the contract and payment processing associated with complex pharmaceutical distribution services contracts. Scorecard is highly configurable and auditable and supports most industry standard metrics out of the box. Additionally Scorecard leverages the channel datasets and analytics within the core IntegriChain Cloud platform to:

  • Increase trade/channel operations business user efficiencies
  • Reduce mistakes caused by poor data quality and manual processes
  • Foster proactive trade partner communications
  • Mitigate compliance and financial risks associated with price speculation, diversion and poor demand visibility

NEW Scorecard Analytics

Combining Scorecard data with robust data analysis and visualization capabilities, Scorecard users can now utilize their robust Scorecard data to further maximize pay-for-performance by analyzing channel investment against performance through IntegriChain’s powerful query and reporting tools. Scorecard Analytics utilize IntegriChain Demand Visibility and Builder to uncover meaningful business insights, create dashboards, and develop actionable visualizations using Scorecard data. With Scorecard Analytics, life sciences manufacturers can create insightful visualizations to:

  • Determine if distribution service agreements (DSAs) are driving improved channel performance
  • Compare and contrast how various trade partners are performing against Scorecard metrics
  • Create reports for commercial leadership to demonstrate the value of DSA payments
  • Explore the financial impact of quarterly award adjustments over time
  • Support DSA metric definitions by running what-if analyses on metric configurations of actual Scorecard data

Aggregate Your Distributor Agreements, Monitoring, and Payments on a Single Platform

Pre-Deal and Contract Modeling

  • Utilize IntegriChain Scorecard’s industry standard metrics for out-of-the-box scorecards and faster configurations
  • Run pre-deal simulation of proposed metrics and terms to facilitate contract negotiations and predict contract profitability
  • Support monthly and quarterly scorecarding with an unlimited number of metrics
  • Employ highly flexible multi-tier design enables users to model simple or complex metric qualifiers

Payment Processing

  • Comprehensive audit trail of each scorecard version including detailed visibility to incremental contractual changes between versions
  • Support trade partner business reviews with interim period scorecard generation

Reporting and Integration

  • Integrate scorecard data into the business intelligence layer for payment reporting, analytics and trending across trade partners and product groups
  • Generate a customer-ready scorecard report of all performance and payment information at a summary dashboard, detail and metric levels
  • Output granular level transactional data for government price reporting

IntegriChain Scorecard Benefits

avoid mistakes in payment calculations

Avoid Mistakes in Payment Calculations

Reduce the risk of calculation errors by eliminating manual scorecarding’s complex spreadsheets and human-driven copy and paste.

manage trade relationships

Manage Trade Relationships Proactively

Share monthly progress scorecards with trade partners, tackling trouble areas before they become a service level and relationship challenge.

free up internal resources

Free Up Internal Resources

Take the heavy manual effort out of agreement management; free up analysts and managers to focus on channel management instead of spreadsheet management.


Support Government Price Compliance Policies

Provides detailed visibility and documentation for bona fide service fee and discount calculation methodologies.

adapt analytics bars bell books magnify chart connections marker meds pills search computer paper webcast article blog ebook distribute hand payer heart market Asset 69 Asset 65 Asset 64 Asset 68 Asset 67 Asset 66 Asset 63 decrease expand builder close dart data demand increase index lock locked meter open order pharma pill plot prescription revenue scorecard service shake unlocked Asset 61 Asset 60 Asset 71 icon-distribution-distribution-contract-management icon-distribution-distribution-data-refinery icon-distribution-inventory-analytics icon-distribution-retail-analytics icon-patient-patient-data-refinery icon-patient-patient-services-analytics icon-patient-specialty-pharmacy-analytics icon-payer-340b-analytics icon-payer-analytics icon-payer-g2n icon-payer-government-pricing icon-payer-rebate-management Asset 1 hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand paper article