HCO Analytics


Unparalleled Protection of Revenue Streams

Identifying and unifying sources of margin erosion – including commercial, 340B program, and reversals – in today’s complex healthcare ecosystem can be challenging. Current data resources do not provide a unified view of revenue streams.

Expanded Use of 340B Purchasing Increases Abuse Risk
The rapid growth in the 340B purchasing program can lead to losses from program abuse practices including diversion, misclassified patients, orphan drug violations, duplicate discounts, or returns arbitrage.

Gaps in Traditional Datasets Limit Visibility
Traditional syndicated datasets contain gaps and can be difficult to align with chargeback data to identify revenue loss.

Missing Chargebacks Create Risk
Most manufacturers struggle to integrate contracted business (chargebacks) with commercial business and many lack a method to identify when wholesalers fail to submit reverse chargebacks for product returns, risking revenue loss.

Market Access Solutions

revenue analytics

Improve the profitability of health system relationships through a consolidated, transparent view to commercial transactions across all sites of care

Improve Profitability of Health System Relationships 

HCO Analytics delivers enriched datasets that leverage IntegriChain’s best-in-class channel master data and analytics to deliver an unparalleled unified view of how patients access products. These datasets offer an unparalleled, unified view of commercial and 340B transactions across all covered entities, sites of care, owned pharmacies, and contract pharmacies to address today’s revenue analysis data challenges.

Enhance your Visibility into Your Revenue Streams

  • Complete and accurate data
  • Guided analytics to surface insights
  • Interactive dashboards and visualizations
  • Collects authoritative, granular evidence for external review

HCO Analytics Benefits

Visualize 340B Trends and Forecasts

Sales and Marketing teams can analyze 340B sales growth and channel mix changes and track movements of products to lower-cost sites of care.


Detect Abuse and Audit Targets

Finance and Compliance teams can build reports to identify 340B and commercial units by sites of care and pharmacies and highlight suspicious activity by account and compare against baseline for key products. 


Gain Leverage with IDNs and Health Systems

Sales and Marketing teams can establish a dashboard of key accounts to track trends in units sold, sales mix, and returns by site or pharmacy and orphan drug usage at ACA expansion sites. 


Support Audit and Settlement Process

Finance and Compliance teams can understand the breadth and history of possible 340B program abuse, using this knowledge to inform settlement decisions. 


Ensure Data Accuracy

Finance and Compliance teams can crosswalk 867 and paid chargeback claims to identify misclassified records and report data accuracy discrepancies to distributors. 


Identify Missing Returns

Finance and Compliance teams can prioritize discrepancies and validate missing returns against invoices. 


adapt analytics bars bell books magnify chart connections marker meds pills search computer paper webcast article blog ebook distribute hand payer heart market Asset 69 Asset 65 Asset 64 Asset 68 Asset 67 Asset 66 Asset 63 decrease expand builder close dart data demand increase index lock locked meter open order pharma pill plot prescription revenue scorecard service shake unlocked Asset 61 Asset 60 Asset 71 icon-distribution-distribution-contract-management icon-distribution-distribution-data-refinery icon-distribution-inventory-analytics icon-distribution-retail-analytics icon-patient-patient-data-refinery icon-patient-patient-services-analytics icon-patient-specialty-pharmacy-analytics icon-payer-340b-analytics icon-payer-analytics icon-payer-g2n icon-payer-government-pricing icon-payer-rebate-management Asset 1 hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand hand paper article