Pharmacy Segmentation Report

Leverage Pharmacy Segmentation Reporting

There are more than 6,000 high-volume, high-market retail pharmacies. Increasing Rx pull through in these high-decile pharmacies is key, and IntegriChain’s special Pharmacy Segmentation Report gives you the data-driven insights you need for better, smarter pharmacy targeting. With this reporting, you get:

  • Market basket decile by pharmacy
  • Market basket growth rate by pharmacy
  • Pharmacy’s percentage of overall market Rxs filled

Increase Market Share at Launch

Developing market share at launch is critical for any brand. Our Pharmacy Segmentation Report is a valuable asset for brand teams readying for launch, revealing pharmacy-level pull-through and targeting ideal pharmacies for stocking product. 

Hone Your Pharmacy Marketing Campaigns for In-Line Brands

With our Pharmacy Segmentation Report, you can leverage pharmacy decile information to create targeting campaigns that maximize valuable rep time to deliver specific outlet messaging. In addition, pharmacy detail provides stocking status for your product so your reps can message appropriately.





Request a demo of the Pharmacy Segmentation Report

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